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Stronger Together this Mother's Day

Our goal has been reached! But the fundraising is not over!

More than ever, your donations count and are necessary for the sustainability of our mission. In the particular situation we are going through, your generosity takes on its full meaning. Join us and exceed expectations to be a part of these families' success stories!

At Mères avec pouvoir, our mission is to honour all mothers, especially those of our non-profit organization: Committed women, who decided to take their future into their own hands, in order to offer themselves, as well as their children, those around them and society, the best version of themselves.

Mères avec pouvoir is a non-profit organization that has been supporting low-income single mothers for 20 years. We offer them subsidized housing, daycare space for their children and support in all areas of their life: Mother, Woman, Student, Worker and Citizen.

As part of Mother's Day celebrations, a major fundraising campaign has been set up to pay tribute to all the Mothers. Those at Mères avec pouvoir but also, yours, mine and all those who are special mothers out there.

We therefore invite you to pay tribute to the Mother who has made a difference in your life. By paying tribute to the Mother in your life you will also be supporting the exceptional Mothers of Mères avec pouvoir.

Make a donation in honour of a Mother who inspires you.
Give your Mother’s day by creating your own personal fundraising.
Support these exceptional Mothers.

Visit our online boutique.

Be part of their success story!

  • All the funds raised will be used to offer services directly to families: individual support, workshops and group training, support in various programs and more. In addition, we will provide you with a charity donation receipt and most importantly, guarantee that the money raised will be used to directly help these mothers and their children.


Adib Alkhalidey - Humoriste

Alex Perron - Humoriste, animateur et acteur

Coralie Desjardins - Présidente du CA de Mères avec Pouvoir

Caroline Codsi - Présidente fondatrice de La Gouvernance au Féminin

Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin - Actrice

Valérie Larouche - Directrice Générale de Mères avec pouvoir

Julie St-Pierre - Animatrice de télévision

Bénite Mandaka Senbore - Ancienne participante de Mères avec pouvoir

Dominique Anglade

Sénatrice Chantal Petitclerc

Véronique Cloutier - Mère Solidaire