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Be a part of the change by supporting the mission of the mères avec pouvoir Foundation!

All the funds raised are used to offer services directly to families: individual support, workshops and group trainings, accompanying service (legal, employment, medical, etc.) as well as parents / children activities (workshops, community kitchen, etc.). Being an NPO and charitable organization, we are able to emit a charitable receipt and above all, guarantee that the money raised is used FOR women and their children.

It is also possible to support our organization through donations of equipment, expertise (service time) or to organize a fundraiser. Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team at (514) 282-1882 or at fondation at meresavecpouvoir.org to discuss or answer any questions you may have.

Whether it is an individual, family or corporate project, your contribution to the realization of our mission has a real and direct impact on nearly 100 women and children from birth to 5 years old annually!

Together, we give moms and their toddlers the chance to break the circle of poverty and achieve a life plan project!

To make a donation by CANADAHELPS, there's one clic >>>

how to mail in your donation

Make your check payable to Mères avec pouvoir and send to the following address:

Mères avec pouvoir / Administration
2015 Fullum street #A
Montréal Qc H2K 3N5

Charity receipt

A charity receipt will be sent the month following your donation.

For info: fondation at meresavecpouvoir.org

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