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The project focuses on raising awareness and mobilizing the single-parent women enrolled in our programs through training sessions, coffee chats and workshops on consent, sexual health and much more.

As part of the Corps Accord program, Mères avec pouvoir offers its participants:

Coffee chats
Over a cup of coffee, participants will be able to discuss a wide range of topics freely with the facilitators. The aim is to offer participants a safe, caring space in which to share their experiences as single mothers.

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Thanks to the activities provided by the Marie-Vincent Foundation, we have the opportunity to offer participants preventive tools to combat sexual violence among children and teenagers. The tools include books and games that address consent, intimacy, identifying emotions, and anatomy. With regard to parenting skills, participants will be able, through discussions and activities, question gender stereotypes and the different ways of providing sexuality education at home.

For the 2023-2024 school year, Mères avec pouvoir is fortunate to welcome a sexology intern, Célia. She sets up open discussions and formal workshops on topics surrounding sexology, such as self-esteem, the psychosexual development of children and sexuality after childbirth. In addition, Célia offers individual sexology sessions, as well as sessions for couples and co-parents.

For references or further information, please contact:

Célia Boudreau: celia.boudreau at meresavecpouvoir.org
Ariane Hunault: ariane.hunault at meresavecpouvoir.org

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