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Created in 1998 and known as "One foundation ... one roof" at the initiative of Inter-Loge, it is in 2013 that it becomes Mères avec pouvoir Foundation.

Our foundation’s mission is to raise funds and contribute to the reputation and influence of Mères avec pouvoir. So that caseworkers can provide socio-professional support to young single mothers and their children. Mères avec pouvoir contributes to the lives of more than 40 families each year by offering them subsidized housing (25% of their income), a place in a subsidized Child Care centre (CPE) and of course, by individual and group interventions.

For the most part, it is through fundraising events that the Foundation fulfills its mission and we are always looking for volunteers to join our committees.

Check out our current or past events or contact us at fondation at meresavecpouvoir.org or call (514) 282-1882 to learn more or get involved!

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