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What’s the Circle of Sponsors?

It’s an inspiring movement of influential women and men who believe that every single mother should be able to reach her full potential and raise her child in a healthy environment.

Members of the circle are contributing to the success of our first major $2M campaign, which aims to open a second facility. This will make it possible to double our capacity for action by offering 50 additional housing units, new places in early childhood centers and intervention with an increased number of recipients.


The objective of the Circle of Sponsors is to raise $200,000  IN 5 YEARS as part of the major campaign.


Our sponsors

Cabinet Campagne (6)

Véronique Arsenault

Founding President,
Exponentiel Conseil
Cabinet Campagne (4)

Louis-Philippe Carrière

Member of the Board of Directors,
Saputo inc.
Cabinet Campagne (9)

Shana Diamond

Entrepreneur, Interior Design
Cabinet Campagne

Andréanne Mathieu

Cabinet Campagne (5)

Suzanne Rancourt

Administrator of society,
WSP, iA Groupe financier
Cabinet Campagne (8)

Nathalie Rolland

Communications and Philanthropy Project Coordinator,
Cabinet Campagne (11)

Audrey Simard

Speech Therapist,
Mercier Simard Orthophonistes

Sophie Kaine Roy

Head of Office of the
President and CEO, PSP
Guylaine Marraine

Guylaine Allard

Operations and HR Manager
Groupe De Palma
Amilie Allard

Amilie Allard

Vice President, Talent Management, Human Resources,
Fiera Capital Corporation
Cabinet Campagne (6)

Brigitte Teske

The C+ Factor


Join the Circle of Sponsors!

For more information :

Click here

Become a donor to our major campaign and help these mothers realize their lifelong project:

Click here

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