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Our support: their life plans

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Lyne Lamothe

Chief people officer

There are these milestones that shape who we become. For my part, early in my life as a young woman, I found myself in a very difficult situation. Since then, I have given myself the goal to always be in a position of power and to acquire the desired autonomy. I have also made it my duty, when my daughter was born, to be a woman role model that has courage and benevolence and above all, to teach her that she can make her own choices. It goes without saying that the mission of Mères avec pouvoir touches me in particular. This organization is unique because it brings together all the elements essential to provide mothers with the necessary support so that they can flourish and achieve: access to housing, access to education for children, and access to resources that promote their autonomy. This is the complete recipe that will ensure the success of these women and that will allow us to aspire to a promising future! I have the honor to act as co-chair of this campaign and to allow the advancement of the women's file. On behalf of all the brave women supported by Mères avec pouvoir, I appeal to your generosity to support this important cause. A mother with power has the power to change things. I hope that you too will know how to recognize it..

Sans Titre


Martin-Pierre Roussel

Executive Vice-President & Managing Director
Co-Head of Corporate & Investment Banking
National Bank

I was raised in a small town where people lived well, but very modestly. Several of my friends grew up in a home where their mothers had to both work and raise their children in difficult conditions and without any support. So I understand very well the relevance of Powerful Mothers:the organization acts as a lever with single mothers by providing them with tools to take control of their lives, but above all so that they look ahead, with confidence and pride. It is not only helping women and mothers, but also the next generation after them. The personal and professional development of women is a pillar central to the mission of Mères avec pouvoir. It is also a goal that we pursue at the National Bank, and that motivates us to provide concrete support to the organization. Within the Bank, we promote this development at all levels, through several initiatives and programs. We want to have a positive impact in the lives of people and the accompaniment that Mères avec pouvoir does, with female-headed single parents, joins these values that are important to us. As co-chair of this major campaign, I intend to rally other donors to the cause of Mères avec pouvoir and I hope that you will be!

Cabinet Campagne

Campaign co-president

Caroline Turcotte

Global Head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion,
Fiera Capital
'When getting involved with an organization, you must believe in their cause and be aligned with their activities and values, and I can confidently say that Mères avec pouvoir deeply resonates with my life experience. My mother and two grandmothers were veritable paragons of feminine determination; they always taught me the importance of independence and perseverance. There’s no doubt that these lessons have served me well, and now it’s my turn to pass them on to my children and support the community. I’m where I am today because of mothers who had power over their lives, and it’s what I can now offer in return.''


Julie Chabot

Vice President, Legal Affairs,
Axium Infrastructure

Julie Cusson

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Risk Management
and Corporate Social Responsibility,

Oana Frumosu

Executive Director,
Valeurs Mobilières TD
Cabinet Campagne

Laurence L’Abbé

Senior Vice President, Legal Affairs
and Corporate Secretary,

Louis-Philippe Myre

Executive Director,

Nathalie Nouvet

Stikeman Elliott
Cabinet Campagne

Patrick Turcotte

Senior Vice-President
Financing and Treasury, Saputo

Valérie Larouche

Executive Director
Mères avec pouvoir

Caroline Charest

Caroline Charest

Partner, Strategy and Economic Advisory,
KPMG s.r.l./s.e.n.c.r.l.
Cabinet Campagne


Become a donor to our major campaign and help these mothers realize their lifelong project.:

At any stage of the campaign, you can get involved as a partner, financial or service sponsor. Discover a little further down the recognition plan which is in the brochure. A tax receipt will be sent to you for any donation.
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Discover our brochure with all the information of the campaign:

In the brochure discover details about the project, the recognition plan and the allies of the project.
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