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The situation

Too often, in Montreal, female-headed single parent families find themselves caught in the cycle of poverty. Their children are also dragged into it (despite themselves)
due to; a precarious financial situation, a lack of access to adequate housing (affordable, sufficiently large and well located) or a lack of education and school retention. These mothers usually face many challenges. They may, among other things, have difficulty finding a job that matches their aspirations, going back to school, accessing a support network, managing their stress or their emotions and adequately answering their children’s needs.

For 20 years now, at Mères avec pouvoir, we’ve been transforming the life course of the families we support by guiding them on the path to success. With this first fundraising campaign, we’re pursuing the objective of meeting the needs of twice as many families, thanks to a second installation.

A major 2 M$ campaign

With a waiting list of nearly two years, we are counting on our first major fundraising campaign to raise $2 million and thus double our capacity for action by offering 50 new places per year in our program! By supporting the funding of our second facility and the intervention team that will be deployed there, you will allow single mothers and heads of families to obtain the support they need to change their life trajectory, both for their well-being than for that of their family!
Capture D’écran, Le 2023 01 31 À 12.15.28


Become a donor to our major campaign and help these mothers realize their lifelong project:

Click here

Discover our brochure with all the information of the campaign:

Click here

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