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Cpe Du Carrefour

The CPE du Carrefour and Mères avec pouvoir have been partners since the very beginning!

Our projects on Fullum Street have been carried out jointly and the CPE du Carrefour holds a seat on the Board of Directors of Mères avec pouvoir. An unparalleled way to showcase their partnership is to prioritize the children of Mères avec pouvoir families in their two South Central facilities! In this way, we ensure that the children of families in the program receive high quality educational child care.

Interloge RVB Logo

Interloge provides subsidized housing and quality service as the owner of the Mères avec pouvoir units. Once a family is selected for the program, they are then referred to Interloge to ensure eligibility for the housing subsidy, and eventually sign their lease and agreement. Interloge is one of the biggest factors in the success of Mères avec pouvoir, and a stakeholder in its quality development.

A million thanks!

It is important to note that Interloge's role is much more than that of a landlord. Like the CPE du Carrefour, Interloge sits on the Board of Directors. Both strongly believe in the empowerment of women and advocate for their autonomy. Interloge has always facilitated individual follow-ups by providing human resources, facilitating access to premises and services and, above all, by being a great financial supporter. For almost a decade, this has been the organization's main financial source. More than a million dollars have been invested in Mères avec pouvoir, and it is thanks to them that in April 2019, we were able to welcome the 200th family!

TCDF 05ANS Petit Coul

Mères avec pouvoir is an active member of the Table de concertation 0-5 ans des Faubourgs and a member of the coordination committee. Our presence and involvement in this organization has allowed us to coordinate and carry out several projects for which we have received funding.

The Table de concertation 0-5 ans des Faubourgs is a grouping of family-early childhood organizations, community organizations, non-profit organizations, CPE and institutions working on the territory of the Faubourgs. It aims to promote the interests, rights and cause of families with young children as well as organizations whose mission is to serve them. Table 05 receives funding from Avenir d'enfant and SIPPE.

Here’s an example of a good move by the Table!

For more information :
Élise Solomon
elise.solomon.ccsmtl at ssss.gouv.qc.ca
Community Organizer, Territorial Coordination
Public Health and Community Development

Relais-Pères Ville-Marie

The positive impacts of father involvement in the family unit, and especially on the development of the child are now well known. In this perspective, the Relais-Pères approach consists of offering fathers and spouses of families with one or more children aged 0 to 5 years old, the presence and continuous support of an accompanying father to assist them in the exercise of their paternal role and to accompany them towards the resources of the community if the need arises.

Comprehensive support
Sometimes, certain difficulties encountered by fathers and spouses are not directly related to their parenting skills, but these difficulties can nevertheless weaken the bond between the father and his child or have a negative impact on the family. The Relais-Pères approach proposes a comprehensive support that addresses the different spheres of men's lives, such as the paternal, personal, co-parental, socio-economic and relational spheres.

An accompanying process that is close to the participants
In order to facilitate and encourage the participation and commitment of fathers in the process, the counsellor leaves the participants free to choose the meeting place. Thus, the accompaniment can take place at home or in an organization that the father frequents, in a park, a café or at work.

Individual and group support
Discussion workshops will be offered to fathers and spouses to allow them to share their experience as fathers and co-parents. These moments are an opportunity for them to normalize the situations they encounter in the exercise of their role, to benefit from the experience of other fathers and spouses, and to encourage their social integration for the well-being of their children.

The current situation forces us to temporarily suspend the discussion workshops. A schedule of discussion workshops will be sent to the Table de concertation as soon as the situation allows.

A father or a spouse would need a Relais-Pères support?
You can refer the person directly to the Relais-Pères counsellor or, ideally, take the time to make a brief presentation of the person to the counsellor, explaining the challenges that the father or spouse in question is facing and providing the latter's contact information so that the counsellor can get in touch with him.

For references or more information, contact:
Joëlle Pepin
Relais-Pères Counsellor
(514) 282-1882 #6
relais-peres at meresavecpouvoir.org

Réseau Parents Logo

Several activities are held at various locations in the neighbourhood for families. The goal of these spaces is to hear the voice of parents, to make room for parents who wish to get involved in their neighborhood, and to allow them to spend a nice moment with their children. You are welcome to attend!

Contact the community worker for more information or to participate!
Atefeh Rabeigholami au 514-525-2778 poste 109 ou par courriel à atefeh at criccentresud.org

Always a ton of information about the neighbourhood!

Local concertation

The Mères avec pouvoir team believes in concerted action and knowledge sharing.

Our organization is a member of the CDC Centre-Sud, the Table 0-5 ans des Faubourgs, the ROEJEF, the RAFSSS and the ROCFM. We are actively involved in the CDC Centre-Sud through the Health and Healthy Living Committee, as well as in the Table 0-5 ans.

In these two (2) groups, we have coordinated and carried out projects for which we received funding. We also continued our involvement in the OJEN. Given that the team is running at full speed, we have to limit our involvement, but it is clear that consultation remains a priority with over sixty (60) meetings of various committees and round tables!

Our financial partners

The funds raised by Mères avec pouvoir are allotted to the regular program or to specific programs such as the Young Mothers Program, the Open Space Intervention, OASIS the HUB or the Au coeur project. Since we do not have funding for our core mission, the financial support of all our partners is necessary to achieve our mission.

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