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Registration form

Please note that there is a delay of several months before we contact you for the next steps.

Read the admission criteria carefully before registering..

Criteria of mères avec pouvoir

  • Live in Montreal or in the surrounding area;
  • Be a single mother with one or two children between the ages of 0 and 3, at the time of registration;;*
  • Have given birth and have custody more than 50% of the time;
  • Be committed to achieving a socio-professional life project. This can be the pursuit or resumption of studies, the development of your employability or the search for and maintenance of employment.

    • For admission to the non-housing program (IMO), the number of children is not a criterion. As for the age of the children, at least one child must be under the age of 5.*


Additional eligibility criteria for the housing component (subsidized)

  • Be a Canadian citizen or have permanent resident status;
  • Be a resident (or having been a resident) of the Montreal Metropolitan Community for a minimum of 12 months during the last two years;
  • Have a gross annual income not exceeding $34,500 per year for a single parent with one child (2019 data);
  • Have capital or assets worth less than $50,000 (money in the bank, RRSPs, house, cottage, etc.);
  • Not be indebted to a municipal housing authority, not have been evicted or have fled from low-cost housing in the last five (5) years;

If you meet all these criteria, we invite you to register online using the following form.

Nous vous encourageons fortement à en mettre un pour vous assurer que nous puissions vous rejoindre!
Pour le volet logement, l'aîné doit avoir 3 ans et moins. Pour le volet externe, un de vos enfants doit avoir moins de 5 ans.
J'habite avec mes enfants et sans conjoint(e).
Vous devez avoir votre statut de permanence pour être admissible pour le volet logement. Ne vous inscrivez pas sur la liste si tel est le cas.
Le programme d'intervention en milieu ouvert vous permet de profiter de l'ensemble de nos services (soutien au projet de vie, accompagnement activités, événements, soutien recherche CPE et formations) sauf du logement. En savoir plus sur l'onglet "projets et programmes" de notre site internet à "intervention en milieu ouvert IMO"
SVP précisez si autre, if other please specify
Décrivez nous brièvement votre situation.

Fields marked with an * are mandatory.

If you are unable to save the form it is because you do not meet the criteria. If you have any questions contact us at 514-282-1882.

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