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At the Mères avec pouvoir Foundation, we rely heavily on the support of our young allies. Your participation in various events has shown us that young people are committed, open to others, motivated by a desire to help, and demonstrate great generosity.

In order to spread the word about the organization to new networks, we want to set up a group of young people who have our cause at heart, and who are willing to go the extra mile to make a real difference in the lives of many single mothers and their little ones.

To join the Young Philanthropists Team or if you have any questions, write to us by e-mail!

Our young philanthropists

Sandrine Gagne1

Sandrine Gagné

Consultant, Morin - Public Relations

Alexandre Tessier

Project Manager - Energy Infrastructure Power Sustainable
Jeunes Philanthropes

Chloé Vanasse

Student, HEC, Ph. D. Candidate.
Jeunes Philanthropes 2024

Justine Renaud

DOYLE optometrists & opticians

Kelly Mourain

Assistant Sales Manager at Mode Sinocan - Student Communications UQAM


Nouvelles Membres   CJP (2)

Marine D'Anjou




Nouvelles Membres   CJP (3)

Julie Leboyer

Senior Consultant, Épisode


We are looking for:

  • Motivated and committed young people.;
  • Team-builders, capable of motivating troops and influencing their network.
  • Leaders who care about our cause and will take initiatives to promote the organization, its people and its mission.

What does it mean to be part of the team?

  • The opportunity to get involved with a dynamic Foundation that supports a noble cause.
  • The possibility of having a concrete impact on the lives of many single mothers and their children.
  • The opportunity to demonstrate your social involvement and great generosity to people in your professional and personal circles, and to influence them positively.
  • The chance to network with a group of people who also want to make a real difference in society.
  • The opportunity to attend conferences on philanthropy, fundraising, social involvement and more! Relevant information you can put into practice.

Objectives of the Young Philanthropists Team:

  • A group of students and professionals who pool their knowledge, networks and resources to raise awareness of the organization and the cause.
  • Example of a mandate: participate in the organization of the annual “Soirée d'humour” (comedy evening), as an organizer, ambassador, supporter of the Foundation or everything at once!

Your commitment to the Young Philanthropists Team:

  • A 2-year personal commitment.
  • An investment of your time and skills at events held to benefit the Foundation.
  • A commitment to promote the Foundation and raise an annual sum of $2,500 from your network.

The Mères avec pouvoir Foundation means happy parents, happy children and generous allies!

For more information or to join the Young Philanthropists Team:

Discover the Young Philanthropists Team’s signature event:

FMAP TITRE SoireedHumour

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